Thursday, January 17, 2013

The Boys - Jan 2013

I love my big boys. It has been a real blessing to see their friendship grow over this past year. Even though we work through several brotherly arguments each day, they really do love each other greatly. Today Blane went to his first KinderReady class at a local museum and as Gavin, Ashley and I were walking out to the car after dropping Blane off Gavin said in a very pouty voice, "Mommy, I want Blane back." One of my prayers this year was that the Lord would use our time at home to bind their hearts together, and we have witnessed those prayers being answered. But it sure doesn't come without big battles to conquer. As I teach them school and walk them through sibling disagreements, and break up fights, and try to reach their little hearts through it all, I've realized that God has uniquely designed my "lot" for my greatest sanctification. There are days where I feel as though I'm being refined by fire and it's just so painful. Most days it is very clear that my sin struggles are just as hideous as theirs, and oh my goodness, do I ever need Jesus just as much as they do. While we are always working though many things, it seems our theme in this season has been respect for one another, living cooperatively, exhibiting selflessness, and loving, serving and respecting others (especially girls!). Having Ashley in our home has added such a wonderful dynamic. The boys adore her, yet are having to learn to protect and serve her even when she hits and takes and does any generally annoying 20 monthish behavior. It's never too early to learn how to lay down your life for the sake of another ;)

Blane and Gavin are just as fun as ever. Their favorite place to be is outside with the neighborhood kids riding scooters, or shooting nerf guns. Many days they get lost in a game of dress up upstairs. We have really enjoyed playing more and more board games with them recently. They still love to read and our nightly reading usually consists of a bible story and at least one Berenstain Bear book (their all time favorite). The big transition this month was the purchase and acquisition of bunk beds. They LOVE sharing a room and have way too much fun talking and laughing. What a blessing it is indeed, to be their Mommy.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for a view into your life Jen, I miss you! (I need to see that baby belly soon!) ;)
