Saturday, September 14, 2013

Four Babies

9 years of marriage and 4 kids ~ this from the girl who wasn't sure about marriage and certainly didn't want kids. But the Lord had a very different life laid before me than I imagined for myself. He worked to flood my heart and invade the empty spaces and gave me exactly what I needed. I stand on this side of things with overwhelming thankfulness; because what I really needed was more of Him and much less of me. I look back on kinks in marriage and rough patches with pregnancies and kids and I see His hand at work through and through. He handcrafted this space in time for my little family, and He is faithfully sanctifying all 6 of us through the story He has written on our behalf. And my treasure is this: that I know Him and am known by Him, that I have an everlasting hope which supercedes even the joy of holding these babies He has gifted me.

Blane Scott

Getting ready to meet Gavin Daniel

Ashley Rae

Zack Ryan

1 comment:

  1. Beautifully said and beautiful babies! I remember that time not so long ago that you mentioned...God's plan is so much better than ours! How have you managed not to age in these pics???
