Thursday, August 1, 2013

7.19.13 {Zack's Birthday!!}

Friday, July 19th started out like any other recent summer day- we were busily preparing to leave the house at 8. a.m. for swim lessons. The previous couple of weeks, however, were anything but consistent with our past pregnancies. The weeks leading up to this particular Friday brought Braxton hicks contractions like crazy! So I was used to going about the day being very conscious of muscle tightening! But this particular Friday was off, different somehow, and I was hopeful and fairly confident that we would meet Zack before the end of the day. But, doubting my gut somehow, I decided by 8:30 that we would go ahead and make the 35 minute drive (in the opposite direction of the hospital) to swim class. Contractions at this point were few and far between and lasting 20-30 seconds so I thought we were on the safe side! Halfway to swim though, I decided that I was being foolish. If I went into full blown labor that far away, there's no way I could safely drive myself and three kiddos home! So turn around we did as I excitedly told the kids that God would bring Zack to us that day! We arrived back home about 9 am and the kids played outside while I packed their bags to spend the night with Grammie and Grandaddy. I kept busy picking up and cleaning and then relaxed in a warm lavender bath. By 10:45 my contractions were uncomfortable enough that reinforcements were called! The kids left with Grandaddy at 11:15 and I asked Scott to grab me a heaping amount of Chick-Filet! When he returned at 12 I knew we didn't have long. So scarfing down some chicken and fries we arrived at the hospital by 12:45pm. I was dilated to a 6 when we arrived and progressed quickly. I knew how unlikely it was that they would allow me an epidural because my platelet count is usually too low, but they went ahead and drew blood, just to double check ; ) By 1:30 the doctor on call came in to meet me and by 1:45 he broke my water. Our sweet little guy came into the world at 2 pm sharp. The blood work results never made it back in time : )

I loved that this hospital let me keep Zack snuggled up on my chest for a whole hour before taking him to be weighed and bathed. The three big kids came shortly after to meet their little brother and I was pleasantly surprised that each of them embraced him well. Ashley and Gavin both wanted to hold him and Blane kept whispering to me how cute he is! 

Zack's second day of life was more traumatic. I discovered a shortened fredulum which needed snipping and soon after that minor surgery he was taken away for his circumcision. Other than that we cuddled and enjoyed our baby moon of just he and I….

We are all smitten with the newest edition to our family. What I worried would be a hard transition home turned out to be wonderful. It was so special to bring home a newborn baby one last time. He's eating and sleeping well and we haven't seemed to miss a beat. We made it to Target and to the library  and to swim lessons on our own this second week and lived to deem it successful. I love looking in the rearview mirror in my car and seeing a full car. I love seeing a pile of FOUR kids on the floor of my living room. I love that Ashley kisses his forehead and says "Love him!" I adore that Gavin helps me carry him and get him situated in the car. How blessed we are indeed to have another little boy to love! We DO magnify the Lord, how gracious He has been to us!

1 comment:

  1. Obviously Zachary is adorable, but can you please tell me about the beautiful blankets?!? Did you bring those so there would be a nicer "backdrop"? If so, brilliant! If they are the hospitals, then I totally wish I'd had my babies there:-)
