Saturday, February 23, 2013

Celebrating 100 Days!

With great anticipation and much excitement, our family began homeschooling exactly 100 days ago! These past 100 days have proved to be some of the hardest, most challenging, yet delightful and fruitful days of my life. The Lord has stretched me, molded me and He has been sanctifying the places I didn't realize needed so much work. What I've come to discover in only 100 days is that working hard at the lot God has given me really does produce such great joy. God was faithful to prepare me for the work He prepared for me. And I really, really love this job of being a teacher to my kiddos! And what's even better is to see them enjoying school time just as much as me! I never would have imagined that the work would come so easily for Blane and that Gavin would participate in almost everything! I love that we can pick up the pace or slow it down, that we can "do school" anywhere we want to (outside, in bed, on the floor, in the fort outside), I love that my kids aren't classified by age but by interest and skill level. I love that we can kick school to the curb on some days in favor of the zoo or the museum or hanging with friends. I love that conversation is free flowing and never ending. And I love that our education can be infused with the Gospel. I am really, really proud of my boys and the way they have persevered and worked so diligently. We have officially committed to continuing this journey into the next year (more on this to come!) and I couldn't be more excited!

Gavin's 100 days worksheet - he has kept up well!

Proud of 100 M&M's

Yup! We ate em' all!!!

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