Friday, December 13, 2013

November 2013

I suddenly found myself swallowed in football and Legos this month. Not that I mind it at all, I love it really. But this is the first year that the older boys have engaged football games, scores, players; and the first year they have pursued with dedication and determination the mighty task of building scores of Legos creations. Every time I sit down to blog I am ambushed with the reality - they are growing faster than I'm willing to accept. 

Blane turned six this month which is astounding! I am so thankful that I get to spend my days with him - he is so much fun to be with. He's a wonderful shopping buddy, a hard worker, and such a big help to me. 

Gavin has matured by leaps and bounds these past several months. He adores football (wrestling and full force tackling are his love languages!). He is lighthearted and enjoys making everyone smile!

Ashley is coming into her own. Her nickname is still "Banchee" because she comes and goes in quite the whirlwind. It's fun to hear her hold conversations with her brothers and she is quickly becoming part of their "pack". She's officially in her big girl bed, hardly napping, not potty training…. she loves the phrases "I do it", "It's stucky", and she belts out I'm in the Lords Army, The BIBLE, Jesus Loves Me and others at the top of her lungs. She is pure joy.

Zack. Oh Zack. All this boy needs is his thumb and his mommy. He's quite content, his smiles are contagious and he's greeted and pounced on all day by brothers and a sister that adore him. He easily rolls from back to front, front to back and has been caught rocking back and forth on all fours. His eyes are the most beautiful shade of melt-your-beart blue and, well basically, I can't get enough of him.

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