Tuesday, August 27, 2013

First Day of School {2013-2014} Blane {Kindergarten} Gavin {Pre-K}

The kids and I are super excited about all that is in store for us this Fall! We are mostly excited about the start of a new school year! While we never really "ended" school for a summer break, we did take about four weeks off; and now the kids and I are looking forward to a fresh start! We are still thrilled with homeschooling, but this year we will take a little different approach. Late last year I looked into classical education but was quick to write it off thinking that it wasn't a great fit for my boys. But the Lord kept prompting me to reconsider this particular style of learning and I'm now hopeful that it will be an even better fit for our family and for the boys' particular styles of learning. The classical education model is quite rigorous; but I am confident and so excited about the opportunities to continue discipleship in the atmosphere of home coupled with an exemplary education and the chance for us all to go to school one day a week in age specific peer groups. I'm pumped that my kids will know God and make Him known as they learn to think critically. I'm looking forward to doing life with other like-minded parents as we grow in our knowledge of HIM. Community is such a sweet thing!
Blane (5 1/2). Gavin (4), Ashley (2 1/2), Zack (5 weeks)

First day of Classical Conversations!

Gavin doing geography map work in his four year old class

New backpacks!

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